Listen to the Women's History Month stream

Celebrate centuries’ worth of music from women composers and artists. Discover how women have helped shape the classical music genre on YourClassical's Women's History Month Stream. Listen now!
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Celebrate centuries’ worth of music from women composers and artists. Discover how women have helped shape the classical music genre on YourClassical's Women's History Month Stream. Listen now!
Drawn by a love of literature and learning, eight women met in Blue Earth in 1883 to form the town’s Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. That tradition continues to this day, driven by the ethos: “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”
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Become a MemberUpdate Credit CardChange DonationSwitch to Direct WithdrawalDonor Advised FundWith shovels, snowblowers and snowplows, Minnesotans got to work Wednesday digging out from a major late-winter storm that walloped southern and eastern parts of the state with heavy snow, howling winds and blizzard conditions.
Attention, emerging and preprofessional musicians in Minnesota, ages 14 to 28: YourClassical MPR is thrilled to announce the Karin Larson YourClassical Prize. Submit your performance now for a chance to win a cash prize and recording time at MPR. Find out more!
Elvis made his television debut; Barbra Streisand had her second No. 1 hit; Michael Jackson's 'Billie Jean' started a seven-week run at No. 1; R.E.M. cleaned up at the Rolling Stone Awards; and Patsy Cline passed away, Today in Music History.