MPR | APM Interns and Fellows

Menaka Wilhelm, Fellow BrainsOn!
Menaka Wilhelm, communication fellow for Brains On!.

Minnesota Public Radio | American Public Media’s MacMillan Intern and Fellow program introduces talented young people to careers in public service journalism.

Donor support enabled many emerging leaders from diverse communities across the country to explore careers in public media. Our interns and fellows bring vibrancy, innovation, new voices and diverse perspectives to teams across the organization—from our Finance department to the MPR Newsroom. Not only are these individuals transforming our organization, they’re also changing their lives.

Learn More

Visit American Public Media’s careers site to apply today.

Past Participants

More than fifty interns and fellows have moved through our program. Meet a couple of them below!

Erianna Jiles
John Nuygen
Heena Srivastava

Reflections from more former fellows and interns

“This was an incredibly valuable experience for me, and was a risk for MPR—letting a fellow lead a team and represent MPR to the public! … I’m so very thankful for these past several months.” 

Robert Carpenter, Senior Fellow


“I have had the freedom to pursue a variety of important stories and my team gave me the time and space I needed to find personal narratives that add depth and context to the stories we’re covering. But, more work needs to be done to build access and trust within the communities that MPR News wants to serve.”

 Tarkor Zehn, Diversity Fellow, MPR News


“I’ve really enjoyed writing, recording and producing stories on all kinds of science. I’ve also looked at each story as a chance to highlight scientists who belong to groups that are historically underrepresented in their field—something I’m excited to continue throughout my career.”

Mekena Wilhem, Brains On! Fellow


“My work does not end at the edges of my team. I have been able to collaborate across the organization and industry. Right now, I’m working on a project with Reveal and other partners across the country. Thanks to this fellowship, I am expanding my network. I’ll get to work with people across public media, and they’ll know me, and they’ll know my work. That’s invaluable.”

Sabby Robinson, APM Reports Fellow