"Creating Civility," A Public Conversation with Krista Tippett

Jan 14, 2011

WHAT: Events in Tucson have stopped many of us in our tracks. We are starved for fresh ways to talk about difficult, important things. Join Krista Tippett for a conversation about how we build a common life, even as we may hold deep disagreements over difficult issues.

WHEN: Wednesday, January 19, 2011, 7 p.m.

WHERE: UBS Forum, Minnesota Public Radio.

TICKETS: The event is free, but registration is required. Visit http://minnesota.publicradio.org/events/tickets/ticket_form.php?sale_id=282 to attend in person, and for more information. You can also participate online via live video stream at http://being.publicradio.org/

About Krista Tippett
Krista Tippett is a journalist, author, and Peabody-award-winning broadcaster. As the creator and host of the public radio program and podcast "Being" (onBeing.org), she has innovated a new model of intelligent, in-depth conversation about religion, ethics and large questions of meaning in every aspect of life. Krista studied history at Brown University, was a political reporter and diplomatic appointee in Cold War Berlin, and received an MA in Divinity from Yale. She is the author of a memoir of religion in our time, "Speaking of Faith"; and the New York Times bestselling, "Einstein's God, Conversations on Science and the Human Spirit."

About "Civil Conversations":
"Creating Civility" builds on the program's ongoing Civil Conversations Project, a collaboration with Brooklyn-based StoryCorps. The Civil Conversations Project is mining new vocabularies, lived virtues, and unexplored lessons from many sources on some of our nation's most intractable contemporary debates, offering an ongoing series of radio broadcasts and an online destination for interaction and multi-media content at www.onbeing.org