Minnesota Public Radio's Randi Yoder Receives 2011 Outstanding Professional Fundraiser Award

Jul 18, 2011

(St. Paul, Minn.)- July 18, 2011 - Randi Yoder, Minnesota Public Radio SVP and chief development officer, has been awarded the 2011 Outstanding Professional Fundraiser award by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Minnesota. The Outstanding Professional Fundraiser award is given each year to an individual who practices his/her profession in an exemplary manner and is an inspiration to others.

"Randi's wealth of experience has been an incredible addition to the MPR team," said Jon McTaggart, president and CEO of Minnesota Public Radio©¦American Public Media. "It is wonderful that she is being recognized for her many accomplishments, talents and dedication to her work."

Before joining MPR in March, Randi was SVP for Donor Relations at the Greater Twin Cities United Way where she led efforts that generated $90 million in donations annually. She is currently a member of the Minneapolis Junior League, Community Advisory Board and chair on the WomenVenture Advisory Board.

Randi will be recognized at the Philanthropy Day Luncheon on November 18 at the Hilton Minneapolis.