MPR News Wins 2012 National Association for Black Journalists Award for Radio Investigative Reporting

Jun 26, 2012

(St. Paul, Minn.)--June 26, 2012--MPR News has won the 2012 National Association for Black Journalists' top award for radio investigative reporting for "Following the Firearms: Gun Violence in Minneapolis." The series documented the sources of guns used in street crimes in Minneapolis and showed the impact of violence involving illegal guns. The MPR News team for the series included Brandt Williams and Laura Yuen, reporters; Laura McCallum series radio editor; David Cazares, series web editor, Jeffrey Thompson, video and photo; and Steve Mullis, web production.

"We're honored by this award and are proud of the team," said Chris Worthington, managing director, MPR News. "Minnesota has a broad spectrum of social issues, and our newsroom has the scope and creativity to report them in a meaningful way."

The National Association for Black Journalists recognizes journalism that best covered the black experience or addressed issues affecting the worldwide black community during 2011. The Salute to Excellence National Media Awards competition is open to all media organizations and individuals involved in print, broadcast and/or online journalism media. Submissions must cover people or issues of the African/African American Diaspora. More information can be found at

Go to to find the "Following the Firearms" series segments.