Access, Excellence, and Elections
Sep 24, 2024

Access, Excellence, and Elections
Recently a friend showed me a full-page newspaper clipping from the Duluth News Tribune. She’d noticed this great article on the imperiled state of Minnesota’s lake shores and she learned about the need for a greater understanding of what keeps lakes clean and beautiful. She didn’t realize the story was part of a series produced by MPR News reporter Kirsti Marohn on the state of our Minnesota lakes. It was reprinted free of charge with MPR’s permission.
As a supporter of MPR, you are likely not surprised that it is one of our core values to ensure that news content we produce is available free of charge to our partner outlets across Minnesota. As public media, we have a deep commitment to access; it’s at the core of our mission to inform, include, and inspire our region. As we lean into this historic election season, this type of access to quality news and information matters even more.
We are not new to offering exceptional statewide coverage for our listeners and readers; we’ve covered the state for decades and are working hard to strengthen our six statewide bureaus. With increased donor support, we plan to add even more coverage in greater Minnesota.
Comprehensive voter guide
During this election season, we will do all we can to produce news that keeps everyone in Minnesota informed and prepared to cast their ballots. Our in-depth voter guide for the general election includes information on more than 3,000 races. It’s an easy, one-stop shop to help voters learn about the candidates and their positions on key issues, and they can get prepared to vote by downloading a sample ballot. The guide is now translated into three additional languages besides English: Spanish, Somali, and Hmong.
As Jane Helmke, MPR’s executive editor of MPR News says, “This is the most historic election of our time. We take serving our audiences in our communities across Minnesota very seriously and aim to make sure everyone has the information they need to make their best decisions in November.”
We are so fortunate to have top-notch journalists leading the work for MPR News. Lorna Benson is the deputy managing editor of the Political Team and MPR’s regional team. Brian Bakst is our politics editor and “Politics Friday” host. Lorna, Brian, and the entire news team are focused on your needs and interests: “What questions do you have? What else might you need to know? How can we get those questions answered?” Our team will make sure you have the information you need to feel educated on the candidates and the issues.
Attention on Minnesota
When Minnesota Governor Tim Walz was named Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate, the state and the nation took notice. And our team stepped up to offer a full picture of the governor and his record.
Dana Ferguson's story on Walz as Harris' pick kicked off a tsunami of engagement with both new and loyal audiences: Kamala Harris taps Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as Democratic running mate | MPR News
Clay Masters was the go-to expert on various national radio and TV outlets.
Mark Zdechlik covered the Minnesota experience at both national conventions (Republicans in Milwaukee and Democrats in Chicago).
Brian Bakst and Ellie Roth’s story on what this means for Minnesota drove the day with total engaged minutes on search up 236%: Gov. Tim Walz is Kamala Harris’ running mate. What happens now in Minnesota politics? | MPR News
We know that sometimes election information can divide friends, families, and communities. That’s why we are true to our mission to build connection through trust and understanding, and we have integrated “Talking Sense” into our political and election coverage. Launched by reporter Catharine Richert, this innovative project provides the tools to encourage and guide audiences in communicating better through our differences.
Your support matters
MPR is working to build a more connected Minnesota. Right now is a critical moment to advance this vision as hundreds of thousands of people are tuning in to listen to the trusted, fact-based reporting you’ve come to expect from us. To date, MPR has been able to avoid cuts – and build the kind of momentum you’ve seen with this fall’s intensive newsgathering efforts. This is due to the generosity of thousands of MPR members who donate. But ongoing financial headwinds and significant demands this season are putting increased pressure on MPR to stay strong.
We’ll be right here with you as Election Day approaches. And we’ll continue to deliver the coverage you rely on. As you count on us, we count on you. If you are inspired by what we do, we welcome your continued - and increased - investment in us and our region. If you’re able to increase your support, now is the moment! Help keep the momentum going and build a more connected Minnesota.
With gratitude,
Duchesne Drew
President, Minnesota Public Radio
About Duchesne Drew
Duchesne Drew is Senior Vice President of American Public Media Group and President of Minnesota Public Radio. In this role, he leads the teams that produce MPR News, The Current, APM Reports and Marketplace. Additionally, he oversees YourClassical MPR as a part of Minnesota Public Radio.